Hephzibah U. Emereole
4 min readAug 2, 2020

Happy new month dear readers, I hope you had a glorious week. I thank God for sparing us from January to this month, and I believe he is faithful to protect us for the rest of our lives. Welcome to today’s post and thank you for your consistency, I pray that the Holy Spirit will minister to your spirit as you read today’s message.

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Today we are continuing a series that we began last week on the responsibility we have as Children of God to our generation. Last week we looked at our primary scriptures: Jeremiah 1 v 5: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (NIV). Also, in Romans 8 v19: For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. From these scriptures, we understood that God called us right from our mother’s womb, and he deposited talents, interests, purpose, and destiny as we live on earth. Then, we see Paul reminding us in Romans that the children of this world who, due to several circumstances, do not recognize their identity in Christ are waiting for the children of God(those who know their identity in Christ) to be revealed. If you missed the first post, kindly check it out here-

As we continue in this series, the Holy Spirit wants us to know the reason why we should stand firm in him and be the light in our generation. He said, let us identify our “Why,” I pose this question for you to ponder on WHY ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN?

Let’s explore some vital biblical examples and see how our ancestors remained firm to God and impacted their generation. I will also share the chapters to the biblical examples.


1. Joseph — the story of Joseph in Genesis 37, 39- 50, is remarkable because he impacted not only his generation but even his next generation. He was born to the family of Jacob, a large family, and then went off to Egypt, a foreign nation. Joseph remained faithful to God even when tempted by Potiphar’s wife. Think about this. If Joseph had fallen to the seductions of Potiphar’s wife, he would never have risen to the level of a prime minister who changed not only the lives of his family but also helped the Egyptians during the periods of famine.

2. Queen Esther, in a foreign land, helped her people by waiting on God for 3-days and risking her life for her people. She did not forget her background, she waited on God and also interceded on behalf of her people (Esther 4–5)

3. Daniel and the three Hebrew boys served in a foreign land too, but they refused to defile themselves with the King’s meat. They were obedient young men and served the King of Babylon diligently, but they never forgot their God, and through their faithfulness, a kingdom turned to God (Daniel 1,6).

4. Nehemiah, who was the King’s servant when the children of Israel were held captive, pleaded with the King that he should go and rebuild the temple of Jerusalem so that the people can worship God (Nehemiah 2,3–7).

5. Moses, who even though adopted into the Egyptian royal family, choose to remain faithful to his true identity as an Israelite. He left the protection and favor he received in the palace to stand up for an Israelite who was being maltreated; he also obeyed God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 2,3–12).

6. We have Apostle Paul, who labored, toiled to preach the gospel to the gentiles. He endured the pain, the suffering, the shame, the humiliation, and disgrace having to convert from a respected official and persecutor of the Christians to a laborer in God’s vineyard(Acts 9).

7. We look at our master, savior, and king Jesus Christ who, even though was God himself, came as flesh, suffered, endured, and gave up his life for us(This is the highest sacrifice anybody can give according to John 15 v 13).

Dear friends, we have a mandate and calling that even though we are in the world, we are not meant to conform to the ungodly standards of the world. In the process of not conforming, we would have to endure some pain, but the bible tells us that we should count it all joy when we suffer for Christ’s sake, knowing that he is our rewarder(Matt 5 v11, Heb 11 v 6).

Thank you for reading, kindly post this on your status and share with your friends.

God bless you, keep you and your family. I pray that God will help all of us; he will make us faithful children; he will give us the grace to stand. AMEN


By God’s grace, you and I will not fail God nor our generation, whenever you see someone not walking rightly, instead of judging and laughing at them. First of all, pray for them, then speak to them one on one in love. Do not use their weakness as a point to laugh at them but inspire them by your actions and speech, knowing that we are all part of this generation, and we should not fail one another.

Have a blessed week.

I love you, but God loves you best.



Hephzibah U. Emereole

God’s daughter|Software Engineer| Graduate | Computer Scientist| Developing speaker and author||